The Laws of Wealth


Like the laws of the universe, there are some fundemental principles about money which are the foundation of financial success. Everything becomes clearer once you understand the laws of money.

Here are three laws of money that you need to know:

1. Money flows to those who value it most 

.....and it flows away from those who value it least.

This law doesn't mean you have to be obsessed with financial wealth, but it does mean you have to pay attention to your finances, appreciate how money can give you choices over your time and think like a steward rather than a consumer.

2. Money Loves speed

The more you can reduce friction in your life, the easier it will be to build and maintain financial wealth. 

That might mean automating aspects of your finances, improving efficiency in your business, increasing the number of opportunities for value creation or lowering your lifestyle costs. 

3. A confused mind never buys

The human mind is lazy and doesn't want to work too hard. If presented with too much choice or complexity, people are less likely to make a decision. 

Whether it's making important decisions about personal finances, selling more of a product/service or conducting or concluding a negotiation, the simpler you can make things, the more likely you'll make progress and achieve good outcomes. 

Everyone has different beliefs, priorities, circumstances and resources, but these three laws of wealth transcend those and can help you to create greater abundance and choice in your life.


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